12 Pods BattleTech Firestorm Tesla II Simulators

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BattleTech Pods Tesla II - Did you play them - would you play them again

Poll ended at Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:26 pm

Never heard of them
No votes
Heard of them - never played them
No votes
Played Them - OMG! Never Played enough
Would buy them if I had the money and space
Would like to find 4 friends to buy 2 each - use Site Link to play
Let them be scrapped for the mirrors - their time has passed
No votes
Save the Pods! Its part of American Game Lore!
No votes
Total votes: 7

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon May 08, 2017 4:48 pm

12 Pods BattleTech Firestorm Tesla II Simulators

Post by Tesla3D »

These will be put up on Ebay in about 3 weeks. They are in a place for a truck to load.
Thought I might set these up or even improve on them with newer keyboard mappers when I retired.
But, business is too good so it is time to let go of them.
There were 8 Pods just purchased a very few months ago. He builds single pilot simss with actual avionics. The guy took out the C-20 Glass Mountain convex mirrors and beam-splitters, tossed the rest. Had some interest from groups asking how much to just take out the VR optics and ship them to Australia. It will be a shame to see that happen.
I called Glass Mountain (now Flight Safety International) and talked to the original guy that sold the C-20. After Glass Mountain was acquired they went to the really big optics. They can still build the C-20 on demand for around $5,500 each. Can resurface if needed for around $800. But, they are in perfect shape as it is. Talked about the monitors. the 20" CRT were flat screen (as flat as a CRT could be made back then). The mirrors were designed for flat surface. The demo from the flight sim put a high-res flat screen with great success.

Of the 12, 10 were usually working but robbed for parts while orders arrived to keep 8 going. 12 Alienware original computers. Lots of wear, used, sold as is, without warranty. One had a 20" LED added. It worked, but it was a few years ago so the refresh rate is a little slow and irritating. Of course the newer 20" OLED are not only brighter, but faster. I have a 240 hz refresh large OLED for my 3D activities.

I could put more descriptions but everyone here should know about the pods.
My business plan will most likely continue to send me to NYC and area. Would love to see them available and be able to visit them once in a while!
C-20 Glass Mountain.jpg
C-20 Glass Mountain.jpg (23.02 KiB) Viewed 5895 times
Glass Mountain C-20 (now Flight Safety International)
Glass Mountain C-20 (now Flight Safety International)
C-20 Glass Mountain 2.jpg (50.31 KiB) Viewed 5895 times
Sad Puppy Eyes - please buy me and take me home!!
Sad Puppy Eyes - please buy me and take me home!!
06-Doorway.jpg (168.43 KiB) Viewed 5895 times
Site setup before moving to long term storage
Site setup before moving to long term storage
09-Cockpit Door.jpg (63.28 KiB) Viewed 5895 times
Just one of the Pods in Storage
Just one of the Pods in Storage
13 - Simulators Group View2.jpg (78.79 KiB) Viewed 5895 times

Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:22 pm

Re: 12 Pods BattleTech Firestorm Tesla II Simulators

Post by MaritimeShipper »

Wow! Was looking for these all over the web.
Can the poster please IM me?
They were considering an overseas crate to load these.
They will fit in sea containers.
Was trying to determine if it was OK to ship out of N.J. to St. Petersburg.
It was determined they were just old arcade. But, there was considerable interest from foreigners that arrived to prepare them for shipping.
They sure got everyone's attention in the bay.

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