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Issue with main site.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 6:36 pm
by harlock
Is anyone else having an issue with loading the main site? It takes forever to load.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 8:17 pm
by Murdock
Here is the problem:

The Spiral fade in you see is an IE effect. The effect tells IE to wait until the "DONE" flag from the web server is received before it will begin the spiral. The DONE flag is delayed because of all the loading. The longest wait is from the DATABASE which does at least two calls: 1) for the Forum topics and 2) for Calendar.

I apologize for the delay, if it really bothers people, let me know I can take the spiral off, but it won't have much affect on the load times. The page should be ready at the same point, you just wont have to wait for the spiral.

What do you guys think?