Need some CONFIG help for UT2k4
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 10:06 am
Butchski here
anyone know how to make Different KeyBindings for In and Out of Vehicle ??? as in,
if KEY X was JUMP when I am a soldier,
I want it to be ALTFIRE when I get into a vehicle.
And then change back to JUMP when I get out of the vehicle.
Maybe a new entry in the INI like altbind or something…
I noticed that you can configure different HUD options
Within the different game modes, but nothing related to controls or Vehicles.
Butchski here
anyone know how to make Different KeyBindings for In and Out of Vehicle ??? as in,
if KEY X was JUMP when I am a soldier,
I want it to be ALTFIRE when I get into a vehicle.
And then change back to JUMP when I get out of the vehicle.
Maybe a new entry in the INI like altbind or something…
I noticed that you can configure different HUD options
Within the different game modes, but nothing related to controls or Vehicles.