Note: The Linux box is having problems with drive.
This started at Ubercon and after installing 2k4 I am now seeing it all the time. I brought down the server this morning.
CorpusD's NJLP UT2K4 Server Currently Down
Ok, Yesterday evening I started the UT2004 server on the P4 2.8Ghz system. It should therefore be up again.
I restarted the DoD server on the linux box to see if it has problems or not. If not then the problem is in that filesystem (DoD is on a different file system than the UT2K servers.
I restarted the DoD server on the linux box to see if it has problems or not. If not then the problem is in that filesystem (DoD is on a different file system than the UT2K servers.
A.K.A. CorpusDecrepid
A.K.A. CorpusDecrepid