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Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:52 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
Anyone interested in or have NeverWinter Nights? I played NWN on AOL in the later 80's early 90's and bought the rerelease by SSi for nostalgia. Its a great game and allows you to host your own NWN server for play and you can develop your own NWN world.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:11 pm
by cybrwlf
Yeah I do, Playing threw NWN2 now

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:28 am
by Digger[NJLP]
Nice.. I needed an excuse to startup again, how is 2? Worth the purchase, and any interest in building a server?

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:52 am
by cybrwlf
If you liked the original you will definately like this one, Alot of the elements that were right are kept in this version. The story is done well, the voice acting is great in some parts but then in others just so-so. Game play is great, and they improved on controlling your npcs a bit, but there is one thing I wished they would do, add a control system for NPCs like they do in FF12.

I know it's a console and an unfair comparision but I really like the way they did it in FF12. Watching my wife's son being able to control when a npc casts a heal spell based on another's HP percetage is BRILLIANT. I don't have to take control of my cleric just to cast a heal spell cause the AI doesn't think I NEED it. It's just silly. But I have to say this is my only fault in the game... so If I never had seen FF12 I would think this was perfect but I did and there for I can't give it a 10... A solid 9 mind you.

I know a couple of people who own it so setting up a server would be cool and we can all schedual a time to hop in. So just let me know and we'll try and set something up.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:55 am
by Digger[NJLP]
Wow, nice crytique I guess I'm buying NWN2. Give me a week or two and I'll have things in place.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:02 pm
by Osiramon
I'm pretty sure Keir and his son were playing this.

I picked up a copy of it awhile back but have not gotten the next version. Been lost in WoW.

NeverWinter Nights Plans

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:25 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
Ok folks, first off NeverWinterNights 1 and/or 2 just got shelved. I'm sure you haven't been waiting for me or anything but once I saw this I new I had to go a different direction.

The Lord of the Rings MMPORG just went beta for free.

Though I loved the D&D franchise and books, been their done that. This looks really, really interesting..
Check out the screen shot

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