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Creating a New Linux Half-Life Server.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 6:14 pm
by Osiramon
I downloaded the Half-life Steam servers into my Linux box and am now trying to get it working. Any help appreaciated.
Will let you know when it goes up.
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:41 pm
by Osiramon
Have created Half-Life server on my Linux box. This is a non-steam version and has all servers including DOD Version 1.0.
Would like to configure similiarly to Murdock's friends server (DOD) so that we have more than one going.
Not sure about all admin settings so need to still study up on it.
Murdock, I can use your help with config files since you know HL much much better than me.
The server is at and is currently running DOD. I can set it up for more or others. DMC was working on it earlier. Note that you can get this at as well.
Let me know what you want.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 11:56 pm
by Osiramon
Please Note:
My server will be down for the upcomming week due to the fact that it will be used as a server at Dreamation con.
It should be back up next Monday (Feb. 26) or Tuesday.
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 2:09 pm
by Osiramon
The server is back up. I have been seeing quite a bit on the DOD server. Less on the UT. Also the lan switches, hubs, cable modem and servers are all now on UPS's. They can last about 10 minutes of no power before things go wonky (and if CRT's are also on at the time).
Have changed router I was using and will check settings again. If you can't see my UT server please let me know.