Ok, so Cupcake brought up a good point and I chimed in without offering help. So below is my ideas and plans. Murdock has a kid and he has said to me already that he's sorta getting burnt with the LAN thing. So below is my suggestion on how we can still party, have fun, and run a well organized party.
And their is no reason why we can't plan for a party two months down the road we don't have to do it right away. So shout out and let us know if your willing to pitch in.
I don't think we want people saying "I want this job", we just want to know who would be willing to do a job.
Or if I'm going way overboard, let me know and we'll just party in a basement
I am willing to put forth the effort to help plan and organize the party. I'll even hunt around for a location. But only if we have enough of our crew willing to help in the planning and management. If it all gets heaped on one or two people then it ends up being work rather then fun.
We can setup a few tournaments, get some prizes etc.. But we need bodies to handle things.
Such as.
Finance Coordinator
Takes care of collections at the door and before hand. Murdock, I know already has a paypal account setup but its not necessary to have one.
Networking/Hardware Manager
Need somebody to "manage" the needs of our hardware. What we need to have and where is it coming from. Make a list of servers coming, who is providing those servers, Switches, wireless devices, and whats being played on which. We should have a few guys who will volunteer a server and set it up, but we need someone to organize and keep on top of the whens and where's.
Server Admins managed by Networking/Hardware Manager
The Server Admins will usually be the guys who are willing to bring a server and its their job to make sure its up a running, when the server is needed. In this case we need people who
know how to install servers and run them.
Location Coordinator
The guy who worries about the where and all things included such as paying the site if needed, parking considerations, getting directions, dealing directly with the owners of the space, providing information on where you can get food in the area and worrying about the time frame for setup, cleanup, etc...
Even though its not that intense of a job and we don't plan on having a BIG party. It is smart to have someone who is atleast thinking about security.
Tourney Manager
Responsible for creating a list of tournaments to be played and managing the paper work of keeping records. Also includes any prize management for those tourney winners.
The best LAN parties always have an MC someone who announces the tournaments and is the "Man" to talk to. We all know how smoozie Murdock is but anyone could really do this.
Marketing/Prize Guy
Takes care of getting the word out so we get a decent turn out. Also will be the go to guy for getting prizes. BTW.. I'm thinking of building some old servers to give away as prizes. Like a Dual P2 233 Server with SCSI 1 and 2 on the board, drives, and MS 2000 Server Standard etc.. I need to get rid of hardware in my basement.
I think thats it.. So if your willing, give a shout out and if we have enough we can start talking about a meeting of the minds. We can use gotomeeting or net meeting or "blah blah blah" to meet talk and organize more.
Lets just see who really wants to have a Party..