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Steam Cracked??

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:18 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
Found this via PirateBay.. And their are a ton of updates to it..


Shared by -AJ-
Latest version, released 19 Nov 2005

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??? Team EMPORiO Presents: ????²±cXc/CPH?
??²±? ?? Dark Steam *Version 3.2 API - 005* Client ?? ?±²??
² Release Date : 19-11-2005 Protection : VALVe Crap ²
² File Count : 1x4.38MB ²
° Release info: °
? ?
? You'll notice some changes in the way Steam looks since the last update. ?
? Right now we're working on what we call Steam 3 ?
? a collection of new features that covers everything from server robustness ?
? to support for third-party games. The first major piece we've updated is the?
? organization of the games list and the Steam store. One of our primary goals?
? with this change is to accommodate a larger and more varied ?
? collection of games. ?
? We hope everyone likes the newer look and feel of Steam. ?
? Steam, like our games, is something we're always working to evolve. This is ?
? the first step in what should be a fun year or so for Steam and the ?
? community. ?
? Release Notes: ?
? ?
? A Steam client with all games, cheat free, vac2 servers compatible, ?
? Steam API Version - 005 Overlay Version 3.00. ?
? - Several Bug Fixes And Offline Mode Fixed. ?
? To Load Offline Mode Simply Load Steam When You're Disconnected. ?
? But Remember You Need To Have a Registered Username First. ?
? ?
? Update info: ?
? ------------ ?
? Fixed problem about "Could not connect to VAC2 Servers" ?
? Games Are Updating now and busy messege is gone ?
? Fixed some minor bugs ?
? PS: Theres no signeture in the gcf's
? ?
? Features: ?
? --------- ?
? All VALVe Games For Free Downloadable. ?
? Playable Online With HL1 Key On VAC2 Public[Legit]Cracked Servers. ?
? Loadable Games No Matter What App ID Used. ?
? Games Are 100% Auto Updative. ?
? Cheat Free Client - Wont Get Detected By VAC2 improved. ?
? * Playable Online With Banned Account ?
? * Ticket Expiration Bypass Method: Not Added ?
? Group Notes: ?
? ?
? We're currently looking for some talented coders in ASM and C++ ?
? ?
? Install Notes: ?
? ?
? 1. Copy over the new cracked files to your dir where you installed DarkSteam?
? 2. Start DarkSteam and have fun :) ?
? NOTE: Attention Never Load "DarkSteam Offline.exe" When You're Connected ?
? Because The Client Will Get Updated By Valve We Dont Want That ?
? ?
² We Will Open The Gates To Hell So God Will Die ²

(edited to remove contact info. We don't need that here.)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:46 pm
by Murdock
This actually makes me sick. $10 is not a lot to pay for the amount of enjoyment that I have received from DOD. I wish talented people like this would grow up and get a job using the skills that they have learned to make money legally.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:00 pm
Agree. But thats not what this is about. The amount of time spent to crack this they could have easily got a job and bought it. Chances are they did to get the game in the first place.

This is about earning a little celebrity stats and have a outlaw image. Seems to me that it would have been better to spent the time learning to make extra content if they love the game so much.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:31 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
Team Emporio seems to be a CS clan gone hack.. Probably students who are dead set against steam..

They were the first to release Steam/CS:2 on the web;
Team Emporio was the first to release it on the net. The warezed version so far is stuck on v2 while the official steam is on v5. As you can see Valve isn't going cheap on encryption and protection. I'll check that version later. Nexioz, does it work w/o steam? All warez versions so far used a workaround with steam to run it.
And they have quite a following..

Also, their clan is actually registered at clanbase under the Team Emporio name.

Your always going to have individuals who reverse engineer a product and hack it. What the problem is, not having a product that can recognize the hack and eliminate the hacked clients influence.

This all points back to Valve and Steam. Leaving their product open to "modifications" is half the problem. Most of the time the Mod tools are simply the tools the developers designed to make their life easier. But the tools themsleves allow complete access to most of the code. Developers have to start thinking about security and protect their mod tools as well..

Re: Steam Cracked??

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:57 pm
by mobgamegraph
The logic here, why would you need to buy and spent $10 to play the game. If if you can play the game through the crack without spending money. The fact.

Re: Steam Cracked??

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 1:52 pm
by Majestic
It's not a big deal. People who want to play the game, for free, on their own computers and servers can do so if they give up the Steam anti-cheat system. I heard it was easy to detach all of steam games from steam service. We had Half Life 2 running in minutes when it leaked.

People worry what would happen if Valve went out of business or was bought by EA. We would loose the serenity of Steam but at least we'd have our games. It's good to have this option, it'll keep Valve on their toes. Without illegal hacks we wouldn't be able to play BF2 any more.

Steam is such a great deal, I can't see many people picking this option. Like Gabe said "Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem" I mean CS:GO is 8 bucks. Unreal Tournament 2004 is 3 bucks! The Steam sales are feared because they are soooo goood.
