Billions and billions....

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Billions and billions....

Post by harlock »

I just wanted to let you folks know that The Science Channel will be airing Carl Sagan's Cosmos TV series, begining Tuesday September 27th. It is digitally remastered and has new computer animation and graphics. It is also celebrating its 25th anniversary. I haven't seen this since it first aired on PBS. Check it out on the Science Channel's web site. ... osmos.html

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Carl Sagan

Post by Digger[NJLP] »

Though I was a big fan growing up and I will probably watch the shows now. As I formed my own opinions of the Cosmos, Carl kinda pissed me off. I really didn't agree with his one in a million or er billions and billions theory. I just can't beleave in all that space that their is not more out their but us and a few others.
Bleh, Signatures mean nothing to me!

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