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NJLP Event Ideas

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 11:37 pm
by Murdock
Hi everyone!!!

I started this message board to finally start discussions for future NJLP events. What I'm looking for here are ideas for other group events. Please read and respond and make suggestions for things to do.

8) Murdock 8)

Dunking for Bawls?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:09 pm
by Osiramon
Do we want to do something like "Dunking for Bawls" or some kind of events during the night like they did at GXL?

Sure we don't need to redo the same items, but I was wondering what other kind of silliness we could get into or dream up? :wink:

Jello LANNING is out of the question! :o

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 3:29 pm
by Osiramon
I'm planning on bringing a chocolate tempering machine. Basically it can melt up to a pound of chocolate and temper it so that it crystallizes back into a good bar of chocolate. You can also make chocolate bars pretty easy. Will bring some molds.

With some cookies, fruit or pound cake you have an extra caffiene vector too.

Now what else can one do with chocolate? Remember the South Park Song: Chocolate Salty Bawls? :D

Should be good for a picture and a post somewhere.