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Mech Pod Update : Firestorm 4.0

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:13 am
by Murdock
This comunique in from Sauron....

A new release / update to our favorite game!

Firestorm 4.0 is installed and working great at the Palisades site, you are all gonna love this, the new mechs, maps, features, game format, etc, are all soooooo cool! New rules in CTF, you can eject when gimped now, etc. This is some SERIOUS fun!

So, come on out, this Thursday the 13th will be all about playing 4.0! Try out the new mechs and maps, I want to get at least one CTF game in with the new scoring system, and one 4v4 Siege Assault game in. Siege Assault is a mission objective game that pits a team of defenders against a team of attackers. The attackers try to rush the defenders base and destroy specific buildings while the defenders attempt to keep them from destroying the buildings for as long as possible. Points for killing mechs are still awarded, but more points for either destroying or defending your objectives. Etc....pretty freakin' cool!

There is sooooo much to talk about in this release, I'll leave the rest to discuss in person...

I just hope I can make it out, I've been pretty sick this week and too busy to rest, so if I don't make it up tomorrow, you know I am really, really sick.

Also, do not forget, next week, the 20th, is our Season 4 1v1 ladder finals. Step ladder format will be used, provided you've been active this season, you'll be able to enter and give it a shot to run up the ladder and try and earn first place!

Prizes will be lots of credits awarded to your power cards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, and if all goes well with video capturing, (still waiting on a cable I need) I'll be making DVDs to hand out with the replays for the night for those who participate. But I cannot promise this at this time, this is just a plan, much more likely this will be in effect in time for the Gunslingers.

Master Trials at the Palisades may be happening in Mid to Late February, so start checking out the rules on how Master Trials work when you get time up on the vwe website, in the newly edited Special Events Bible. (by yours truly) at:
We may even have a special visitor in February, Bite Me, the first pilot to master in the system and a friend of mine, all the way from Denver. I'll keep you posted as soon as he finalizes his plans. If he's here at the right week, he may be another of the testing masters, which would make us the first site to hold a trial with more than 1 certified 5.0 master in the pool. (unless Cincy runs one before then....but that's another story)

As always, don't forget to stay in touch with what's going on at our site and in our group and with Firestorm at:

Hope to see you all tomorrow, stay well and smile, 4.0 is here! :)
--Michael aka Sauron
Palisades SEC
5.0 Master (Burton)
Miami 1st Deputy
Miami Team Destruction 1st Place (Tesla)
Palisades Solo Ladder Season 1 Champion
Palisades FMFFA Winner March 2004 (Picard)

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 7:35 pm
by Osiramon
So Murdock, how was it?

I take it that you've tried this already by this time.
