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Titanfall 2!!! Buy it now!

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 12:03 pm
by [FETT]Cupcake
Hey everyone.

I picked up Titanfall 2 recently, and it is really good. Something different than the normal shooter, with really big fighting robots! I urge you to check it out. It's also on sale now on Origin. $39.99 for the standard version or $53.32 for the deluxe. Great deals.

Come join me and prepare for Tiatanfall!

Here are some vids to enjoy.

The cinematic trailer:

Another trailer that is pure awesome:

Re: Titanfall 2!!! Buy it now!

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:07 pm
by [FETT]Cupcake
I also just created our Network in game. It is NJLANPARTY.

Our happy hour is at 9pm. If we plau during happy hour we get more merits (XP).

Re: Titanfall 2!!! Buy it now!

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:38 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
I bought TitanFall for like 10.99 about two weeks ago and I like it a lot. Ok so I'm grabbing 2 now :)

Re: Titanfall 2!!! Buy it now!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:04 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
Wow loving the campaign.

Re: Titanfall 2!!! Buy it now!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:07 am
by Murdock
I'm cross posting this here. I'll have to post my review of Titanfall 2 when I get into that...

But for now... Here is what I think of Battlefield 1.
I picked it up last night as part of the 2 pack of BF1 and Titanfall 2. I installed both. BF1 was finished first, do I have it a try.

Amazing. Totally amazing. I didn't expect anything different from any other shooter from the past. I mean, how many times have we been here? "Oh, look, a new version of [insert game here]!" And for the most part, they have been the same game. I can honestly say, they have introduced a new way to tell the story. It had me saying "Whoa. That was cool." Over and over again. Then I tried Multiplayer. Again, they have made game mechanic changes which are not as ground breaking as the changes in the single player story telling, but still very nice touches.

I was staying away from BF1 until it went to $30. I am glad I didn't.