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New HL Servers just added!

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 11:13 pm
by Murdock
Hi guys... I just wanted to let you know. We have two new server that have become members of the NJLP Family.

The first server is a DMC server from our good buddy THOR in Texas. He is almost complete with his configs and tweaking to get the HOOK mod working.

The second server is a DOD 1.0 server from BuddyLee. BuddyLee and Grunt were two of the regulars on the DOD server and they have set up their own.

These servers are still under construction, but I have added them to the Server Status Page, so we will know when they are up.

Thanks again guys!


Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 12:06 am
by WangMauler
hey MUR its wang heh
j/w if you ever gonna put up dmc pro on the dmc server, and once we are REQUIRED to use steam, you gonna put up a steam dmc server, cause i have bene in your server so much lately, its the ebst server up for dmc, best pings, smoothest, no lag for anyone, and best maps. maybe you could put up some of the newer maps too? i'll try to get them up in a zip or the links heh.
btw dmc pro 0.6 os out heh.

man cottle

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 12:04 am
by Guest
Wang I've added some bots to my server (dmc). Murdock has added some to his dod and tfc. I had a hard time finding the bot program, but once I did we set them up.
I still have all the good old maps, sounds and skins. I have added hook-mod and rocket jump to mine, also 18 new sounds.
I have not seen you for a while, it's good to know you're still around.



Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 2:22 am
by WangMauler
Hey thor yeah man i'm still around! still playin good ol' dmc! Trend*Killer and I have a mod called DMC Pro up hehe, we are working on DMC (DeathMatch Elite), a mod for dmc that will have to be downloaded and installed! ill! its gonna pwn, its so much better than dmc, and i know whoever plays it will get hooked insantly heh.


i HATE bots
if theres ONE thing that us Regulars hate now adays - its a server with someone(people) with skill playing with BOTS. auh.
if you make it so they leave when more people join tahts ill! heh.
yeah i still only use the good old sounds from butch's site haha. its werid cause of the newer servers have different sounds with the same filename, but for some reason since they are different, they dont play, only on servers that have the older sounds, such as yours and murs ONLY haha.

still got all your modes guys
i wouldnt delete them for an ath64 3200+!

noones taking away my best memories heh.

what yuo guys gonna do when steam is FORCES in a few months auh?

you should put up dmc pro servers and then in january when we release dme put up teh dme servers haha!
man cottle