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Can the XBOX camera spy on you?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:21 pm
by Murdock
Someone just told me that hackers can use the XBOX Camera can spy on you. Is that correct? I did some searches and all I could find were some articles on how Microsoft could (but doesn't) and how the government could or at least force Microsoft to spy on you.

XBOX owners, what do you do to maintain your privacy?

Re: Can the XBOX camera spy on you?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 9:19 pm
by GenTsoChiken
From a network security standpoint, going to the extreme, any hacker could use any camera on a device that's connected to the internet.

that said, if the use case M$ had set forth with their consoles, it would be living in your living room or entertainment space. So, all that would be seen is your couch, unless you're doing dirty stuff on your couch... like cleaning shoes...

also, I would imagine that any console would be less of a target since there are more computers with cams, and smartphones that are a lot easier to get into. Of which are more likely to have "higher value information" either stored directly on them or more easily accessible.

now addressing the cameras themselves. I'm not sure about the Kinect specifically, but there has been a greater push to have webcams or similar devices to have circuit controlled "live" LEDs, you know, kind of like the old school red "recording" light. In this case, when the CMOS sensor is turned on, the light turns on too. I've heard that some Macs, that light is software controlled, so you wouldn't know the camera was on... Think about how much more of a fiasco that is...

When it comes to self protection... I go low tech, I have a clothing tag covering the lens. You know, the feature tag that comes on winter jackets or gloves. It's easier than unplugging the Kinect when I'm not using it... or on a similar case, save the extra $100 that they tag on, and get the console that does without it all together. In any case, you'll KNOW when it's on.

TL:DR - stop being paranoid

Re: Can the XBOX camera spy on you?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:39 pm
by Digger[NJLP]

I have no doubt that with the proper code, no problem. I am currently awaiting my Kinect to add on to the Xbox I won last year. I have a co-worker who is developing a game using Unity that has a direct interface with Kinect so as to use it for motion capturing. He is planning on capturing battle movement at a local weekend LARP event with it.

So can I use Unity to create malicious code to turn on the Kinect camera and stream video , absolutely.
Could I put the code in a game for direct download in the MS marketplace, pretty much.
Would they catch it? Not sure as it uses freely available API's for the interface.

Yes there is no doubt...

Re: Can the XBOX camera spy on you?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:41 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
If the Xbox was more proprietary in regard to the OS, I would say it would be harder. But as MS wants to create cross platform development so the App on the phone can work on the tablet, the PC. and the Xbox. Thus upgrading the Xbox OS to Windows 10. All bets are off. It sort lends itself to this type of exploitation.

Re: Can the XBOX camera spy on you?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:10 am
by Digger[NJLP]

Re: Can the XBOX camera spy on you?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:33 am
I just don't have a web cam installed and often have the mic unplugged. I don't really care for the spoken commands features.

Re: Can the XBOX camera spy on you?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:32 am
by War_Ghoul
Can it? Sure, it has "predator" vision and pretty much sees everything. I have no doubt there's someone out there that could code up something nasty to do so.

Am I worried? not really. I don't have my xbox connected direct to the internet, it's NATed like everything else, which is by no means fool proof, but enough to keep the run of the mill scum at bay.

Anyone who gets access is welcome to watch me vegetate on my couch or spew profanities while I play online. If something does pop up that I think is a problem, I can always disconnect it or put a cover over the eye.

All that said, I really like the voice control and it recognizing me when I turn it on.

Re: Can the XBOX camera spy on you?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 6:43 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
:D Nice!