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STO Wednesdays

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:28 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
Greets all, NJLP has started a Wednesday night Star Trek Event. We will try to do every Wednesday, but depending on turn out it may be postponed, until the next week. So its sort of a Wednesday night, every other night, or even monthly depending on need or turn out.

The concept of STO Wednesdays is to form a group that progresses together through the STO MMO. Think of it like the old D&D board game sessions, we get together and progress together in the game. All are welcome but if your a late comer, you will need to "catchup" to where we are in the progress of the game. Each person who has started out with us, have rolled a new character in STO which may be along side other characters that could already be admiral. I will be posting a synopsis of each days progress usually on Thursday, so anyone that wants to join in will know where they have to be to continue with us.

I suggest making sure you have TeamSpeak configured and the NJLP server setup in favorites. Its much easier working in a group on the NJLP teamspeak server.

I also suggest, on Tuesday before a session, all who are participating log in to STO and make sure your patched up. Once we are all up to at least say level 10, we should be able to jump in and just continue on from where we left off.

This thread will be where I post each sessions progress so everyone knows where we are.

Re: STO Wednesdays

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:32 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:04 pm

Hey all Wednesday went off with out a hitch, some had to restart characters, some didn't, but we progressed to the point where the admiral gives you the assignment for the SS Azura. Complete this mission if you can, once you complete you will receive your reward, a whole bunch of stuff actually. I suggest heading back to Space Dock and taking a look at your inventory, compare the items to your equipped items and make sure you have the better items equipped and don't forget about your bridge crew, all upgrading you can do, you can and should do to your crew.

Inventory Item Rule: If its grey its an item to sell. If its green, check it against what you have it may be better, if its purple its most likely something special to use or sell for good profit.

Explore Space dock and Start Fleet Academy, when you can, there are some great side missions at both locations you can pick up and complete in a night easily.

This can be as in depth or easy as you want to make it. Each officer and yourself have areas to add background story to your character, etc..

After completing the SS Azura mission the Admiral should pop up and offer you some missions, take them all, I have them now and we will work on them on Wednesday, October 30th.

Had fun, thanks for showin'.

Re: STO Wednesdays

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:37 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
Ok STO Wednesdays starts back up tonight! Hope to see you there, we will meet on Space Dock, in front of the door to the Admirals Office. 9:30 is the start time, depending on work and home I may be on around 9.

Some people have yet to complete the USS Azura mission and some may already have. If you haven't you may want to try and get it done, your helping a freighter that was attacked. But once complete you should get a pop up from the Admiral needing more help, in other words your next mission. Which I am hoping we get done tonight.
I will talk briefly to the new guys about how missions are assigned and how you don't have to return to mission giver to get rewards.
Also will cover, the random world events, like borg invasions etc..


Speak to Commander Kelly

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:42 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
Postby Digger[NJLP] ยป Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:02 am
"This should be the second post"

Ok well I thought about the startup for STO and I went in and rolled a new character to see how it works, which is pretty much the same way it did in the beginning of STO. So I am going to recommend we all go in and create your characters.

Vote stands 3 to 2 for Federation so that's the way I went.

Start the tutorial mission, it is very good actually, much better then in the beginning. I even learned something new.
But stop when you beam to the planet and your on the mission "Speak to Commander Kelly".

We can all meet there, Murdock and I will give each other and all of our new characters fleet membership.
We should be able to start there together, even if we are not in the same instance. Once you are a member of the fleet I am pretty sure you can move between them to play together, I am only guessing that it will work in this starter area.

So I rolled a large brutish male liberated borg, engineer, named "1 of 2, Primary Processor of Unimatrix 117"
Currently captain of the U.S.S. BlueJay. Rumor has it certain brass during ship assignment, thought it would be funny to put a borg in a bluejay...

Re: STO Wednesdays

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:56 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
Last nights STO session was fun, Murdock, Harlock, War_Ghoul, and myself participated. We assisted Murdock getting through the USS Azura and completed the Exploration of the Delta Volanis Cluster. Mudock single handedly took on Diplomatic Orders, while I was with War_Ghoul finishing his last exploration in the DVC.

Had a butt load of fun getting turned in to random creatures because we annoyed Q. :)

So we will move on to the next event next time we meet.

Anyone who wants to join up and needs assistance getting to the level we are at let me know. We can try and hook up and get you to where we are.