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w00t! Battlefield 2 patch 1.50 is out Armored Fury is free!

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:22 am
by Majestic
A few months ago I emailed EA to ask then to release the maps for the booster packs. I never believed they would. But they did!

Armored Fury and Euro Forces maps are now playable by everyone! Plus there's EIGHT new maps with them!

So that's what I'm going to be playing at NJgamers, the GXL, Maryland LAN Gamers and NJLanpartys lans!

Re: w00t! Battlefield 2 patch 1.50 is out Armored Fury is free!

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:28 pm
Judging by the fix list looks like BF2 is finally out of beta.

Good thing you sent that email.

Re: w00t! Battlefield 2 patch 1.50 is out Armored Fury is free!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:00 pm
by [FETT]Cupcake
Downloading mine now. I already own the booster packs though, so I wonder how it will work for me?

Re: w00t! Battlefield 2 patch 1.50 is out Armored Fury is free!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:37 am
by Majestic
I didn't mean to imply they released the maps because I wrote the email. ( it was my mind-control helmet ) There are two new maps Highway Tampa and Operation Blue Pearl plus the three from both booster packs so there's EIGHT new maps for vanilla BF2 players.

It allows BF2.exe two use more than 2 gigs of memory. It also allows a new 1680x1050 widescreen mode although I've had problems with it. It also sometimes reboots my machine on exit! HAha But who cares. Operation Road Rage is worth it!

So if you're coming to NJGamers this Friday, I'll have a server running it.