Battlefield 1 is 33% off on origin. Black Friday

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Battlefield 1 is 33% off on origin. Black Friday

Post by Majestic »

Battlefield 1 is 33% off on origin. Looks like a good game! I say its a solid BUY.

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Re: Battlefield 1 is 33% off on origin. Black Friday

Post by Murdock »

I picked it up last night as part of the 2 pack of BF1 and Titanfall 2. I installed both. BF1 was finished first, do I have it a try.

Amazing. Totally amazing. I didn't expect anything different from any other shooter from the past. I mean, how many times have we been here? "Oh, look, a new version of [insert game here]!" And for the most part, they have been the same game. I can honestly say, they have introduced a new way to tell the story. It had me saying "Whoa. That was cool." Over and over again. Then I tried Multiplayer. Again, they have made game mechanic changes which are not as ground breaking as the changes in the single player story telling, but still very nice touches.

I was staying away from BF1 until it went to $30. I am glad I didn't.

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