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Post by bmeister1 »

I am looking for a quiet cpu fan for my server. I have a amd 3 chip and the cpu fan is very loud. I want to get something that is more quieter then the stock CPU fan. I have a antec 300 case version 1. I could go water cooling as well. Any recommendations would be great.

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Re: CPU Fan

Post by GenTsoChiken »

Need a little bit more information than that... what mobo? socket? preferred cooling method?

Water cooling can be quite a bit of an investment... either way, that case will not work well with water cooling, you'd need to put it in a different case.
Unless you mod the hell out of the thing and do some kind of top/back mounted external cooling solution.

I'm assuming you're using an Air cooler right now, right? Are you sure the noise is coming from the CPU fan?

Also, how much load are you putting on the system? That also would affect what kind of cooler you use.
What temps are you getting now? Related note, when was the last time you cleaned the fan?

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Re: CPU Fan

Post by bmeister1 »

The mobo is a MSI 890 fx gd70. CPU is a amd phenom 2 x6. The case is blown out every month. The Case is a antec 300 case version 1. I have the stock CPU fan and I prefer something very quiet. The type of load is about 10 percent but I am running ARMA 3 and that uses a bit more, almost 85 on the cpu. The temps are around 32 c at idle and maybe 45 50 c at full load.

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Re: CPU Fan

Post by GenTsoChiken »

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6835608018

double check your depth before you decide to pull the trigger on that. That's the inherent problem with tower coolers, they might be too tall for your case...

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