Got home, went downstairs in to the cave of darkness, and realized the server was physically off.
Which in itself is weird, but I tried to turn it on and its dead in water. So I unplugged it
from the UPS and plugged in to power strip and Walla up she comes.
Ok so its a really old UPS and maybe I lost a plug or something.
So I do my checks and note that it went down today at 4 something PM.
And then as I'm just sitting back happy with my analysis it just powers off.
Completely dead, can't turn back on, But as I reach around to check connections, my nose gets
that tell tale whiff of ozone.
So as I open the case, I put two and two together and realize its been the fan inside the power supply, the whole time. So now there's this classic Sanyo table top fan blowing on the open server case, keeping the power supply cool.For the past year I have had a bad fan, it would whine, it would complain, it's probably been in at least three computers but it ran. But I always assumed it was the ratty old fan, which was just a secondary cooling fan.
I'll have to get a new one tomorrow.