FPS Frag Fests, are these games done?

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Do you think the era of 1 on 1, Free for All, and Team Deathmatch fun is on its way out?

Poll ended at Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:26 pm

Yes, a team based military gaming is the future!
No, Frag matching is still the only way to determine true skills in FPS
FPS??? MMORPG are the future.
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FPS Frag Fests, are these games done?

Post by Digger[NJLP] »

This is sort of an open ended question, but one I am curious about.

I have never been one for team play, but it was an easy adjustment in games like Doom, Quake All, Halflife 1&2, UT All, etc...
Adapting my game play to CTF, Team Deathmatch, and even some of the kewl and quirky UT team stuff was fun. Though, I was always the guy that would identify after firing... I just have the type of trigger finger that is always itching to Frag.

I have gotten better in that respect but with the new influx of games like DoD, BF 1942 and 2, counterstrike, etc... It seems that everyone wants to play together as a team and support each other and win the war. My problem is I don't want to simulate warfare. Their is way to much of it on my television. I even wonder at parents who let their children play these sims like they won't affect their kids heads.

I'm not "dissing" the new games that are trying to create a "reality" to play-in. In fact the quality of game play and the games overall are impressive. One of my biggest issues is the fact that I don't want to be restricted "in-game" because my persona is tired. I don't want to have to earn my way up the rankings to get more respect or a better weapon. I just want to have fun with my friends and enjoy some game play.

So I come to my question... It seems that their a less and less games that are centered around the fact you can play online in a "frag for all" fest.

For those of us that still love and play UT, Quake, Halflife DM, etc. what are we actually looking foward to as far as a release?

Duke4ever? I still think we may never see it.. The forums on 3Drealms are vague and spotty, but this game is probably what I lust for the most.

UT 2007? I know its coming but for some reason the UT franchise never could pull in the numbers the Quake franchise did.

Quake ? Quake 4 finally did things right. They came back to the 'basics" and created a fun single player enviro and the mutiplayer is ausome. But even Q4 is suffering from the "Real War" blues.

Could this be the evolution of FPS? Is it just a fad? Or is it like the generations, eventually things come full circle..
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Post by War_Ghoul »

I still love the pure deathmatch route, the team stuff is the golden child of FPS gaming at the moment. But I also suffer from the "shoot first, oops was that a red or blue name above their head?" syndrome.

I do enjoy CTF, CS, BF2, etc. But there is no fun like the fun of shooting everything that moves with over the top weaponry.

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Post by Murdock »

Now this is a topic I have something to say about...

I was thinking about this earlier today...Why don't I miss UT2k4. I LOVED UT2K4. What happened? I guess the answer to that is boredom. If you guys remember, I was always the one who made you all download (from the server) the kewl new map I had found as early as...that DAY. We used to play a lot of new maps, and some of them might have sucked...but they were cool. Then we started getting in to Onslaught. Those games would take like 30-45 minutes. I didn't care much for that.

The funny thing is...with BF2, I really have no desire for new maps. There are some that I like more than others, but right now, I am loving the CITY maps of BF2. I don't care much for the Tanks and APCs and Planes. I love a good dirty ground war.

There is a nice thing about ranks. Imagine if UT had some kind of Ranking system. Imagine that you are playing DM against a bunch of people, and you notice that one guys is constantly kickin your butt. You glance at his rank, and you can see that he happens to be a rank or two above you. All that means is that he has been working at the game as much as you...so maybe he's just better. Now, for a second, imagine if you checked his rank, and he has the BASE rank. Now what? We'll he could be good...or he could be using a HACK and he just hasn't been caught yet. That might explain things.

I only mention this cuz we were on a BF2 server the other day, and someone was using a hack to drop cars all over the place. One quick glance at the score board and there were two "PRIVATES" on the board. You can almost bet that if someone is going to mess with a HACK, he is not going to use his REAL account...so those people stick out like sore thumbs.

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Post by harlock »

I believe that there is a place for deathmatch games because there are times I just want go out there blow everyone up.

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Post by Majestic »

Ok it seems that there are two questions being asked here. One is about teamplay and one is about rankings.

I usually down't care about rankings so much. I'm usually trying to capture all of the flags instead of worrying about my score. You'll hear people going on about scores after losing the match. I don't get that. Yes you're a wonderful sniper ... but all of your team is dead and they hate you!

Teamplay is what I love. I liked deathmatch for all of 5 minutes, back in the day with Doom or Quake. But I went insane for Quake 2 CTF. Instead of a long string of Frags, you had to have a strategy. I had a bunch of macros bound to keys to tell people "Flag exiting out side door" or "Flag escaping thru water passage"! Yes In the olden days we didn't have teamspeak playing Q2CTF on dialup. WE HAD TO TYPE!

I play UT2004 deathmatch now for a "twitch" warmup. But I loose interest in the one task in that game. KILL KILL KILL

Battlefield 2 on the other hand asks you to be different soldiers with different strengths and do an assortment of things. I guess it's the variety of tasks you might need to do in order to win the flags. You might need to change kits then spawn to a different location to save a flag.

I even love the crazy stuff people think up as the game evolves. Like Car-tillary or parking an APC on the runway. I was about to blow their Sat trailer when a CAR FELL ON ME! Damn I love that.

The same thing would happen in Q2. Someone would come up with a crazy idea that would change the balance of power. Like using the grapple to hang from columns right above the flag. It might take a while for people to find a counter strategy. The game would change over the weeks as people caught on. It was always funny to see a noob looking around trying to see where the shooting was coming from.

Team Fortress would have a faster evolution. It went back and forth during one game. Different tactics and strategies. I'm looking forward to the new Team Fortress as a game that will last a few lanparties. (Finally a reason to have a steam account.)

At NJGamers we once played a CTF match in BF1942 on El Alamein. The flag went back and forth. People were yelling. I camped the base in a Tank. A tank snuck up and trashed my tank. I jumped into a plane. Bailed out over another base to grab a jeep to catch up to the flag. The score was 0 / 0 the whole time. It was the most fun we've ever had.
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Post by NILL »

I tend to like both types of play, but at different times. If I'm online playing people I don't know I tend to play objective type games. But if I'm with people I know I can play anything.

I just don't get enjoyment from playing against people I don't really know. And a longer objective type game lets me get to know the people alittle better.

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Post by Digger[NJLP] »

Well atleast no one has picked MMORPG! But then again I purposely don't buy or play them because if I did, you really would never hear or see me again..

Nice responses but it seems we have to see what happens in the near future with new game releases.

The forums for DNF are constantly receiving new posts and staff are answering questions about DNF..

You never know.... :wink:
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