Author Archives: Murdock
I have added a yearly calendar of events to the website. Please contact me if you would like to add an event to the calendar. Continue Reading →
2023 Extra Life – Join Our Team

Come join our Extra Life Team for 2023! Currently, our goal is set to $6500! We cannot reach this goal without you, so sign-up today!
Our Extra Life team plays games to raise money for the kids in the hospital.
Extra Life Update
Quick update #1 – Pictures are posted here: LanParties / ExtraLife / EL2022 (
Hi everyone!
I intend on posting a more detailed update of the activities of the weekend here. (picture link is above) Be sure to comeback for the actual update from the weekend!
GXL Pictures Posted
The GXL Pictures are posted. Just follow the site Menu for GALLERY, then LANPARTIES –> THE GXL –> 2022-10-07 The GXL-Colossal or click the link HERE.
The GXL is this weekend!
The GXL Colossal is this weekend! We have been looking forward to this event since they announced that it was coming six months ago!
Here is a video on some of the attractions this weekend!
The GXL is BACK in 2022!

Hi NJLP People!
The GXL is back. The GXL has announced that they will be having a party in October 2022! There are no details available yet but The date is October 7th through the 9th. Keep your eyes on for updates. Tickets go on sale April 30th! Tickets are on sale now!
Let’s talk about this in the Discord for #otherLanParties or for something more permanent, the NJLP Forum.
2021 Events
Hi everyone…
This is usually a busy month for us. We usually have the Dreamation Gaming Convention (last years link), and the annual FITES LAN Party. Obviously, those are not happening this year due to COVID-19. But who says we can’t get together, virtually, to play game like we usually would? So, head over to the forum, and chime in on which games you would like to play so we can start planning.
Extra Life 2020

Hi everyone!
Wow. This is crazy to think about Extra Life during a pandemic. I have been thinking about it for the last few weeks. There is no doubt it will be different this year, but it will go on. We haven’t decided if we will be in person, even if we can be in one place with social distancing of course. We could be virtual. We also may make adjustments to the timing of events, and maybe even break it up over a couple of days…but it will go on. The children’s hospital, and the kids still need our help!
This is my 8th year raising money for the children’s hospital. Last year, 7 of us raised over $4,100 for the hospital! It will be a challenge to come close to that number this year, but we are going to try. I am looking into some new and creative ways to raise money this year.
What is Extra Life? If you are not familiar, here is a little background. I will be dedicating 24 hours with thousands of other gamers across the world, to support our local children’s hospitals. This was started in memory of a little girl from Texas that fought hard, and this is her legacy. A local DJ contacted a gaming group to send in games to give her, and other kids fighting hard, something to do during long hospital stays. And that is how Extra Life was born! I am proud to support this cause! And thank you all for your support, LIKEs and SHARES! And please do share. Anyone can give as little as a dollar, and every dollar counts!
Click on this link to donate to support the Children’s Hospital!
If you would like to view the video that tells Victoria’s Story…here it is.
Historical Unreal Tournament Video
I came across this History of Unreal Tournament video on YouTube. It really brings back the memories…We should have a party where we just play UT/UT2004…ok…and maybe Quake.