Extra Life 2021

Thank you to Bob, Mike, Sarah, Annette, Kevin, Maureen, Captain Mike(!), Shannon, and Bernadette for your donations this year! I can’t believe the head start you’ve given me! Thanks you!

The BIG day is today! And as always, I am excited and nervous. Last year, I raised $2,488 for the Children’s Specialized Hospital of Mountainside NJ, our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.  Our NJ LAN Party Team of 7 is currently at $3,772 of our $5,000 goal! I know we can do it with your help!

Victoria would have turned 29 this year. I will post a link to her story below.

Here is the link to donate… Thank you!

Artemis This Weekend

We WILL be playing Artemis at some point during Extra Life 2015, so I figured I would offer it out to the USS Justice. If anyone would like to join us for a couple of hours (and offer a small donation), the Children’s Hospital would appreciate it, and I am sure it will be a blast! If you are interested and available, please let me know so we can coordinate when we will be playing Artemis.

Children’s Hospital Donation – Last chance for 2014!

Ok…today is your last chance for a Tax Deduction for 2014. If you have any money put away for charity for 2014, why not consider helping the Children’s Hospital! Here is how your money can help! Below is the link to my donation page.

$15 GIFT OF PLAY – Provides special toys and game that can be used for recreational therapy.
$25 GIFT OF CREATIVITY – Provides art tools like crayons, coloring books, stickers, clay, and art supplies for children to use for art therapy.
$50 GIFT OF LEARNING – Provides items to help the children learn during their stay. These items include books, DVDs, learning software and other educational tools.

Here is the link to my donation page:

Happy New Year! And may you have an excellent 2015!

Extra-Life 2014 Final Push

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Hi everyone!

UPDATE: I know the event has passed, but I would still like to raise some more money for the kids before they close the donation window. I know several people that mentioned they wanted to give, but haven’t had the chance yet. I would still like to make it to $1000.

I just saw this in the hospital newsletter: A breakdown of giving levels.

$15 GIFT OF PLAY – Provides special toys and game that can be used for recreational therapy.
$25 GIFT OF CREATIVITY – Provides art tools like crayons, coloring books, stickers, clay, and art supplies for children to use for art therapy.
$50 GIFT OF LEARNING – Provides items to help the children learn during their stay. These items include books, DVDs, learning software and other educational tools.

Anything you can give is appreciated…Even if it is a dollar! And remember, the hospital gets 100% of the money you give!
I am on a mission to save kids and I need your help.

Here is the link to my donation page:

My local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, Children’s Specialized Hospital of Mountainside New Jersey, treats thousands of children each year, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. These kids are facing scary stuff like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and injuries from accidents to name just a few.
You can read more about the Children’s Specialized Hospital of Mountainside New Jersey by clicking here.

On Saturday October 25th, 2014, my team and I will be participating participated n this huge worldwide celebration of the social impact of gamers of all kinds from video games to board games and tabletop RPG’s! Innovation Fitness Solution or IFS (http://innovationfitnesssolutions.com/) is supporting us by providing the location, Internet Access and Electricity for the day, along with a trainer to get us up and moving every couple of hours to make sure we make it to the finish line!

It is my sincere hope that you’ll find it in your heart to support my efforts with a pledge that will go directly to my local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital (Children’s Specialized Hospital of Mountainside New Jersey).
Your donation is tax-deductible and ALL PROCEEDS go to help kids. ( We asked about credit card and administration fees, and there is another fund that exists to pay these fees so that 100% of your donation goes to the help the kids.)

In 2012, Extra Life raised more than 2 million dollars to save kids. 2013 was New Jersey LAN Party’s first year participating in Extra-Life gaming marathon, and we raised $2,400!   Extra-Life just about doubled the previous year total, raising $3.99 million in 2013. In 2014 our goals, just like the needs of the kids we serve, are much, much higher.

I can’t do this without your help. Donating online is safe and easy! To make an online donation please click the “Support Me”  at the top of this page for your donation. Thank you for caring for our kids!

Below is a video about the girl that was the inspiration for the Extra-Life drive.

Another shot at filming Artemis Bridge Simulator

Ok…I was able to find some time Saturday night and a few of the guys could make themselves available to man the bridge for a few quick games of Artemis Bridge Simulator. Cupcake, Bashbang and Harlock had never played before. I asked Corpus to bring the green screen to see if he can add some scenery in post production. I don’t think it will come out that good, but at least we gave it a shot.  The best part was we could get some of the core NJLP guys together for the holidays.

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!