I finished last year $122 over my goal, with a grand total of $2,622! Amazing, and it was all thanks to all my friends and family that support this cause. Because of you, I passed my previous amount raised for the third year in a row. I can’t ever thank you enough for your support! The good that the hospital does with your support is amazing. I know it really makes me feel good…I hope you get the same good feeling knowing that you are helping the children’s hospital!
This is my 10th year raising money for the children’s hospital. Last year, 7 of us raised $6,166 for our hospitals! It will be difficult to reach that goal this year, but we are going to try. I am still looking for some new and creative ways to raise money this year. Would you like to join us? We are going to need the help!
What is Extra Life? If you are not familiar, here is a little background. I will be dedicating 24 hours with thousands of other gamers across the world, to support our local children’s hospitals. This was started in memory of a little girl from Texas that fought hard, and this is her legacy. A local DJ contacted a gaming group to send in games to give her, and other kids fighting hard, something to do during long hospital stays. And that is how Extra Life was born! I am proud to support this cause! And thank you all for your support, LIKEs and SHARES! And please do share. Anyone can give as little as a dollar, and every dollar counts! Click here to donate now.
Thank you for your continued support!